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gin bols

Jenever, also known as "genever" or "Holland gin", is a traditional Dutch spirit that has a long history and an origin dating back to the Middle Ages. Unlike gin, which was originally created in England in the 17th century, jenever was the forerunner of gin and has a distinct flavor and texture.

The history of genever begins in the Middle Ages when Dutch doctors began distilling herbs and spices to create a strong and potent medicine. In the 16th century, jenever began to be produced commercially and quickly became popular in Holland and Belgium. During the 17th century, Dutch traders brought jenever to England, where the British adapted it and made it into what we know today as gin.

It is made with a grain base, usually barley, which is macerated with herbs, spices and berries before being distilled. Traditional Dutch jenever, known as "oude jenever," is made with a malt base and has a stronger, more robust flavor than gin. There is also a more modern version of genever, known as "jonge jenever," which is made with a grain base and has a milder, gin-like flavor.

It is usually served as a tasting distillate, often accompanied by a glass of water or beer, and can be enjoyed straight or mixed. It is also common in some regions of the Netherlands, Belgium and Northern Europe, using it as an ingredient in some cocktail recipes.

There are many differences between jenever and gin, starting from the base used for production, to the maceration of herbs, spices and berries, up to the taste and texture of the finished distillate. Gin is usually more delicate and aromatic than the aforementioned product, which has a stronger and more robust flavour. Additionally, gin was created to be mixed into cocktails, while genever was originally created as a tasting distillate.

In summary, jenever is a traditional Dutch distillate with a long history and an origin dating back to the Middle Ages. It was the forerunner of gin and has a distinct flavor and texture.

gin boomsma

gin boomsma

other curiosities about historic brands

There are some historical brands of jenever that have been produced for decades and are considered among the best and most traditional on the market. Some of the best known brands of Dutch jenever are:

  • Bols: Founded in 1575, Bols is considered one of the oldest and most respected brands of jenever. It produces both the traditional jenever "oude" and the more modern "jonge".
  • Lucas Bols: founded in 1575, it is another historical brand of Dutch Genever. It produces a range of traditional and modern jenevers as well as some gins.
  • Herman Jansen: founded in 1842, it is another historical brand of Dutch Genever. It produces a range of traditional and modern jenevers as well as some gins.
  • De Kuyper: founded in 1695, it is another historical brand of Dutch jenever. It produces a range of traditional and modern jenevers as well as some gins.

In Belgium there is also a great Jenever production tradition with brands such as:

  • Boomsma: founded in 1884, it is a historic brand of Belgian genever that produces a wide range of traditional and modern jenevers.
  • De Moor: founded in 1892, it is another historical brand of Belgian genever. It produces a range of traditional and modern jenevers as well as some gins.

In general, the tradition of manufacturing this product is deeply rooted in the Netherlands and Belgium, and many of these historic brands have been handed down from generation to generation, maintaining the tradition and quality of the product.

Bottle barreled

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