Recklessness, tenacity and friendship are the basis of Gin Mediterraneo, a recipe from Arezzo by Tommaso Gamurrini, distilled in London by a master distiller and a "chef", real gurus in the sector.
"The history of Gin Mediterraneo was born in February 2015 when, tired of the monotony, I decided to leave the position of employee to undertake my gin production business..." (Tommaso Gamurrini)

I had a small club in company located in a lovely corner of one of the main squares of my city.
Behind the bar counter, during the long waits that a small reality like Arezzo can offer you on Wednesday night, reading among the labels of the bottles I began to stimulate an increasingly concrete interest in Gin, curiosity that, with the help of suppliers, I continued to feed expanding my offer to become a real point of reference in the Arezzo square.
Unfortunately not all stories have a happy ending and after only two years I decided it was time to give up the shares of the restaurant to find myself again without a job, a little more penniless, but with the desire to start my gin production. Um, how?
When you have many ideas and very few certainties you can, count only one certainty: everything or almost everything will row against you. They'll give you crazy, a simple question will turn into an impassable mountain, the expenses will be unsustainable and you will inevitably decide to give up. So it is for me. "And how did we end up today?" you may wonder. As the enthusiasm gave way to the disappointment of having to abandon, a sort of obsession arose in me, like an anchor that prevented my dream from sinking.
I spent the following months looking for every possible Italian and foreign distiller, sending hundreds of emails, many of which are unanswered, illustrating in every detail the characteristics that my Gin should have had, until I found myself, in October 2018, on a plane to London.
Soon I would cross the threshold of Thames Distillers to present my project to one of the most renowned Master Distillers, Charles Maxwell, and see it incredibly approved. Gin Mediterraneo was no longer an idea.

There is no doubt that there are friends of all kinds and it is equally true that, to start a project of this magnitude without any previous experience and with a reduced budget, you can not be alone.
That he is the friend who made you for months from Google Translator and made you housed on the floor of his London home, the one who sewed a dress to your idea, the one who gave you the right charge by constantly motivating you, Mother’s Ruin Mediterraneo it exists thanks to them and it is no coincidence that shortly before its birth they were all together, at a table of the Anchor Tap to motivate and support me – perhaps with a few more beers – waiting for my meeting at Thames Distillers. An unforgettable day!
on August 16, 2019, the first 3500 bottles of Mediterranean Gin arrive in the warehouses of Arezzo, and although this might seem the end of a story, it is only the beginning ...
Mother's ruin is the name that gin had in the 1700s
In the mid-eighteenth century many used gin as if it were a medicine to heal from every disease: the effects of gin consumption on English society in the 1700s, make the use of drugs seem almost benign today. Gin was sold everywhere: by barbers, street vendors, grocers and even on market stalls. The situation soon get out of hand: gin made men powerless, women sterile and became one of the main reasons why young people died, leaving many mothers childless.